Excited or Nervous? My Trip is Just One Month Away

I am one month away from leaving to spend almost 4 months in the tropical Costa Rica. So what am I feeling? (Arenal Volcano. Photo Source: http://deluxetravelcr.com/la-fortuna-san-carlos/ ) I'm Excited About: - Meeting my host family. We don't find out who they are until about a week before we go, but I am really excited to find out who I am going to be living with. - Meeting my classmates. There are 25 other study abroad students who are living in San Ramon with me and I am looking forward to getting to know them and hang out with them. - Going to Cuba! This was a big factor in making my decision to study abroad with this program. Cuba is very secluded, but every picture I've seen or stories I've heard make Cuba sound really beautiful and culturally rich. Someone told me that it's like travelling back in time, which is something I am looking forward to experiencing myself. - Going to Arenal Volcano! This is one of the included...