
Showing posts from 2020

Being Back, Post Program Reflections

What were some of your biggest takeaways from your international experience? - I learned so much more than I thought I would both in classes and from living in a different country - Some of the best people I have ever met in my life were from my program and I am leaving with so many good friendships. - Reverse culture shock is real and I occasionally get sad that I am not back in Costa Rica. Also trying to unlearn the habits I picked up while abroad is difficult (I am still trying to throw toilet paper away). - It kind of feels like a dream sometimes, like maybe it didn't really happen. What advice would you pass along to other interested students considering study abroad? - If you are thinking of going, just go. Find somewhere that interests you and go there. Living and studying abroad can be hard but I promise it is very much worth it. - When you first arrive, for the first couple of weeks, you may feel homesick or unsure if you made the right decision. The best w

Saying Goodbye

What I have missed the most about the U.S.: - My pets, it was hard being away from them for so long - My bed: it's not like the bed I had at my host families house was uncomfortable, but nothing beats my double bed with down comforter and pillows - The type of food: I have never been someone who loves or craves fast food, but for some reason while I was abroad, all I wanted was Cold Stone Ice Cream, Dominoes Pizza, and mac n cheese. Also, rice is good, but I am so sick of eating it all the time. - The convenience of an American lifestyle. What I mean by this is that sometimes I missed being able to hop in my car and drive to one store where I can find everything I need. - Not having to worry about ants or mosquitoes in my home - I missed living independently. My host family was great; they also had food for me when I came down to eat, they cleaned for me, and they took care of me. But sometimes I just wished I could cook a little for myself or have large groups of pe