
Showing posts from March, 2021

Puerto Viejo

Puerto Viejo Not gonna lie, nothing about this weekend went right and I kind of wish I chose somewhere else to go for thanksgiving break. The trip started on Thanksgiving, bright and early at 6 am. Much like Monteverde and Manuel Antonio, we hired a private bus to drive us there. It was the same bus we took to Manuel Antonio, but was not driven by Milo and every single seat was filled, including the ones that fold down in the middle of the isle. There were some students from Puntarenas joining us, so a couple of them took a bus up at 3 am and some stayed the night in an Air BnB. We all met in the central park for the bus. All of us were tired, a little bit cranky, but overall kind of excited. One blip in the trip, that ended up causing a massive headache and delay, was that we had to pick up one of our group members from San Jose with her friends that flew in the previous night. This didn't seem like a big deal since we were supposedly passing right by San Jose. However, we